Friday, April 8, 2022

First Full Day of Quilt Camp

Yesterday was the first full day of Quilt Camp.  I got here on Wednesday to get a head start, but yesterday had a different feel.  Plus, Wednesday night I had to go to my online seminary classes.  Still, I made this Facebook post:  "Retreat month continues! I am safe at Lutheridge, one of the places on earth where I most love being, ready for retreat #2: Quilt Camp! And thanks to the joy of modern technology, I can do my seminary classes each night. Seminary classes and Quilt Camp--perhaps I have died and gone to Heaven?"

The benefit to getting here on Wednesday was that yesterday morning, my table was set up and ready to go at 7 a.m. on Thursday morning when the building opened.

I spent yesterday cutting strips and sewing them together and occasionally, I'd lay out panels to see how far along I was.  By the end of the day, I had about half the panels that I will eventually need.

I also had to do some seminary work.  Happily, the vibe here is laid back.  I have my computer and books set up on a corner of my sewing station.  I can work the way that I love best:  do a bit of writing, do a bit of creating that's more tactile, go back to writing, 

In the evening, I decided to go ahead and figure out the back of the quilt.  In February, I had got a beautiful piece of fabric for an online store, and if I bought the rest of the bolt, I got it for a $5.00 a yard price, which is unheard of these days.  So I had just enough for the back.  I cut it in half, ironed the clothe, and sewed the halves together.

Last night I made this Facebook post:  "If it's 9:30 at night, and I'm ironing the fabric for the back of my quilt, am I really Kristin anymore? (You may or may not know that I usually go to bed about the time that toddlers do and that I almost never iron)."  It was the second night of staying up late, luxuriating in good conversation and the joy of sewing a long seam.

And today, I get to do it all again--heaven!

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