Thursday, April 28, 2022

Voice Recognition Software

Many computer programs have more power, more features than I will ever need--much like my brain. Once I went to observe a class where the faculty member was showing the class some of the features of Word that don't show up on the toolbar.

Granted most of them were things that I would never need to do; still it was great to know they were available.

When I fell on April 15th and hurt my wrist, I had some seminary assignments I needed to complete. I thought about asking for an extension, but in most of my classes we only get one extension, and I worried that I might need an extension more later. So I decided to see what the dictate function of Word would do.

In the early years of this century, I had done some work with voice recognition software, but I had to make so many corrections that it just didn't seem worth it. That technology has come a long way. I have been doing all sorts of writing in the past several weeks, and I am amazed at how few mistakes I have to correct.

I've written comments for my students’ essays as I've graded them, and it's much easier with voice recognition software. By easier I really mean it's faster. I've responded to emails this way too. It requires some cutting and pasting, but that's OK.

As I've been writing papers for seminary classes that I'm taking, I've been trying to observe the process. Do I write differently? Am I formulating thoughts differently? So far the writing process itself seems similar, whether I am typing directly or speaking out loud and watching the words scroll across the page. I go back to correct errors as I notice them with either process. I don't think that one process or the other generates more errors.

Will I continue using this feature once I have regained the power to type the way I was trained? Maybe. It's good to know that it's available and that it works so easily. I do miss the ability to write with any kind of background noise; I can't listen to the radio for example.

I'm grateful for this voice recognition technology, and I'm happy that I've been able to adapt. The end of the term waits for no one, and while I could get an extension, I'm ready to be done with these projects. Soon I will be—hurrah!

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