Thursday, August 25, 2022

A Blog Post in the Midst of Planned Disruption

It has been a morning of planned disruptions.  The Nissan Rogue needs its CVT oil changed.  In the olden days, we would call that transmission fluid, and lots of folks could change it.  Now it's in some kind of sealed part of the car that only the dealership can access.  So we dropped off that car and came back to the house so that we can be here when the fridge is delivered.  It's the fridge that we found at the consignment store, and while it may not be our forever fridge, it will be good to have something that's better than the dorm fridge that was a good stopgap measure.

It's been a week of getting stuff accomplished.  On Monday, we had an easy time getting our license plates for our cars.  On Tuesday, we went to Spectrum to implement a new approach to cell phones:  new smart phones and a plan for 2 lines.  We rearranged our internet/phone/cable plan to get rid of the "cable."  I thought our luck of the week had held, but by Wed., my phone wasn't able to make calls--and it's the one where we ported the old number.  So back to Spectrum I will go today.

I was afraid I would have some kind of issue, which is one of the reasons I resisted making this change for so long.

I've made progress getting a new health insurance plan, so that's good.  We will save big bucks if it works out.  I've packed the car for my Sunday trip to seminary; I packed it early to get the stuff out of the way so that the fridge has a place to go.

Yesterday I met a friend who was part of my small group for the spiritual direction certificate program.  We met at her favorite winery in Hendersonville.  It was a beautiful afternoon, watching threatening clouds in the distance, warm but not humid.  We have both been going through changes that might have been shattering, had we not been on the lookout for ways to change our lives for the better anyway.  She's headed back to the intentional religious community in England, and I'm off to seminary, so it was  good to able to meet at this intersection.

We also had our first bear sighting from our back deck.  Two bears ambled through our yard, both the same size, so we don't think it was a mother and cub.  We were far enough away to feel safe--and awed.

I am seeing more and more non-green leaves on trees.  I am glad to have been here as the season starts to change.

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