Friday, August 19, 2022

Move In Day!

Today is the day!  In a few hours, we'll go to my sister's storage unit, where we will load up her car with my boxes, and then we will drive to seminary housing.  We hope to get the keys to my apartment and to unload the boxes.  We will probably not spend much time unpacking boxes, since we will be moving them from car to apartment box by box.  I am thinking we will be ready for a break by the time we get the cars unloaded.  And there's plenty of time to unpack later.  

As I drove through the mountains from my house in North Carolina to the DC area, I thought about the coming year, how it will be both familiar and different.  I've taken seminary classes before, so I know that I can slip back into that rhythm.  But this year, I'll be taking a mix of online and in person classes.  This year, I'll live on the campus, where I hope to have amazing opportunities.  But I'll also be living by myself for longer periods of time when my spouse is fixing up the house in North Carolina.

Yesterday as I drove through the mountains, I thought about how I could structure my days and weeks.  I want to get back to doing more creative writing.  I'd like to do that early in the morning, and then go for a walk a bit later, like I have been doing for the past month.  I'd like to do more submitting to journals, if I can still find some that don't charge high submission fees, which I define as anything that costs more than a few stamps would cost.  I'd like to spend afternoons either going to class or getting ready for class.

And of course, I want to make sure I explore DC.  The other day, as I read an article in The Washington Post about the re-opening of the Kennedy Center and what it means for restaurants in the surrounding area, I thought, I wonder if there are still any tickets to Hamilton, which is in town for two more months--and there are!  In the past, there used to be a way to get great same day prices on tickets that hadn't sold yet.  I never figured out a way to do that in South Florida.  I'm going to figure out how to see some great theatre in the next 2 years while I'm here.

I know that I'm claiming a huge gift.  I will likely never be able to afford to live in a city like DC again.  I want to make sure I squeeze everything out of it that I can.

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