Thursday, August 18, 2022

Moving Right Along

Today one phase of moving into seminary campus housing will begin.  But it's a slow motion move.  I will be back in North Carolina next week, and then again the week-end after Labor Day for Crafts for Christmas at Lutheridge.  But after those trips, I won't likely be here again until November.

It's a big life change, but readers of this blog know it's not the only one.  I talked to one of my college friends who has known me longest, and he said, "Wow, this has been quite a year for you guys!"  In his voice, I could hear that he understood both the negative and the positive.

I want to remember the progress I've made in healing from my broken wrist.  A month ago, I was still having trouble getting into and out of my clothes, which means I was doing it mainly with my left hand.  A month ago, I still had only 3 positions in which I could sleep because I still had so much discomfort in my right arm and shoulder.  A month ago, I could barely tie my shoes.

And here's a milestone which I want to record, though most people won't understand the significance.  My driver's license now lists my hair as brown.  The very nice DMV employee said, "Hair color.  Brown?"  I thought, yes, it really isn't blonde.  I can't even claim strawberry blonde.  Rust probably isn't one of the options.  I wish I could claim the color "chestnut," although in certain lights, that's how I see my hair--and again, it's likely not a color on the drop down menu at the DMV computers.  I said, "Brown is fine."  Will I color my hair again?  It's hard to know.

On a less mundane note, I had 2 different Zoom sessions last night.  One was with my Mepkin journaling group; we're discussing Thomas Merton's New Seeds of Contemplation, and we had a vigorous discussion of Merton's view of Mary.  I also met with my small group from my spiritual formation class that I took across my first year of seminary.  I thought about how long it had been since I've been deeply engaged with theology and how much I'm looking forward to diving in again.

But first, the packing of the car, the getting settled in a new place.  Onward!

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