Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Wednesday Postcards

I have turned in grades for my online class.  I spent much of yesterday grading, grading, grading.  Let me make a blog post that is a collection of snippets from the past weeks that I don't want to forget:

--Last night I saw a mostly full moon, shaded by fog and the dark branches of pine trees (I almost wrote palm trees).  It seemed another seasonal shift, much like finding apples at the farmer's market.

--It is hard to eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day when one only has a small refrigerator and no freezer.  Yesterday I went to the deli at Ingles (a local grocery store) to see if I could get some veggie sides.  The guy in the line behind me told me which sides were worth it and which were hit or miss.  I didn't pick up any pick up vibes--he just seemed genuinely helpful.

--It is also hard to stay hydrated with no fridge that can hold a gallon pitcher of tea.  Sigh.

--We spent the last weeks in the condo checking every cabinet and drawer to make sure that we didn't leave anything behind.  We were in our new house one week before we realized we had forgotten to get the items in the drawer in the bottom of the oven.  Overall, it's not a huge loss--lots of battered cookie sheets that needed to be replaced anyway.  We did lose 2 high-end pizza stones that I bought in the summer of 2020, but we had been using them less and less in the past year.

--I have begun thinking about all the small items I'll need to buy when I get settled in Wesley campus housing, things like small wastebaskets and paper towels and such.

--I should also start ordering books for my classes.

--This morning I woke up thinking about the fact that American University is right beside the Wesley campus--literally, the 2 campuses sit beside each other.  I thought about reaching out to their English department to see if they need any last minute faculty.  I went to the website, and they are advertising openings for adjuncts to teach their College Writing classes.  I will send in my information later today.

--As I walked up the hill to the chapel this morning, I thought about how much easier it is for me to make that trek than it was during Music Week.  And then I thought that it was a month ago that Music Week began.

--So much has happened in the past month--and so much will happen in the next month.  Deep breaths!

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