Monday, November 17, 2008

First Posting

I've been interested in blogs for a long time, but I've hesitated to start one. I've had the usual worries: one more account/password in my life, sounding stupid, attracting unwanted attention, ruining my future.

But I've noticed that many blogs help their writers to be part of a wider community. And I know that some bloggers have opportunities they'd have never gotten if they didn't keep a blog.

Still, I've read enough blogs to know what I do and don't like. I like a blog that's organized around a theme. This blog will document my life as a poet, and as someone with other creative interests that wrestles with how to fit all my creative pursuits into a life that's already crammed full of other commitments.

I teach English and Creative Writing at a local college, and I also serve as the Assistant Chair of my department. Since so many creative writers face a similar employment situation, I want to talk about work and its impact on my creative life. But I'll try to talk about it in a general way, so as not to jeopardize future employment potential or to risk being fired.

In addition to talking about me, I'll review books that have been useful and/or inspiring, as well as noting useful websites or blog postings.


  1. Welcome! I had the same concerns when I started a blog. But it's been over a year and it's all been good. I see blogging as a way of joining what has evolved as a new community of poets.

  2. Yes, you have been talking about this for a while, and I am very happy that you have decided to do a blog. Even me - a non-blogger - will check in from time to time and leave a message. But what I am looking forward to are your poems - so: keep on whistling ... not just past the graveyard, but past everything else as well !

