Friday, January 16, 2009

The Palm Beach Poetry Festival

If you live in the southern part of Florida, and you're in town next week--or if you want a good excuse to escape those wintry northern places--I'm hearing that the Palm Beach Poetry Festival still has some seats left if you want to audit one of the workshops. And the Festival has always a wide selection of wonderful events that are open to the public, some of them free, some of them with a minimal fee ($12 adults, $10 seniors, $8 students). There are craft talks and readings and panel discussions.

The poets scheduled to appear are: Denise Duhamel, Martin Espada, Kelle Groom, Kimiko Hahn, Michael Hettich, Laura Kasischke, Thomas Lux, Anne Marie Macari, Taylor Mali, Gregory Orr, Lynne Procope, Victoria Redel, and Gerald Stern.

The Festival runs Jan. 20-24. Go here for more information.

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