Friday, May 29, 2009

Book Reviews--Mine and Others--and Other Online Reading Fun

All week I've been fighting a cold, and this morning, I think the cold is winning. My colds tend to be the sinus/scratchy throat kind of cold (as opposed to fever or vomiting). I've noticed that since I'm teaching fewer classes, I get fewer colds, and I can usually beat the ones I get faster. When I taught a five course load, I couldn't avoid talking, and it usually exacerbated my cold. This week, I've managed to avoid aggravating my throat. Or at least, I thought so, until this morning.

So, instead of writing a real blog post, I'll leave you with some links to some reading that you might find interesting.

There are some great reviews of books of poems up at Galatea Resurrects. Go here for the complete table of contents with links to the reviews. This issue also includes interviews, one of my favorite art forms! Go here to read an interview with Reb Livingston, and go here to read an interview with Tan Lin.

Two of my reviews are in this issue. Go here to read my review of 237 More Reasons to Have Sex by Denise Duhamel and Sandy McIntosh. Go here to read my review of A Bigger Boat: The Unlikely Success of the Albuquerque Poetry Slam Scene edited by Susan McAllister, Don McIver, Mikaela Renz, and Daniel S. Solis.

If you haven't had enough of the conversation about Twitter and poetry, go here for an all Twitter poetry edition of OCHO. Collin Kelley talks about editing that volume here. It's a tribute to the powers of the Internet and Twitter.

For those of you who spent years of your younger life slow dancing to the songs of Peaches and Herb (you remember "Reunited," don't you?), you might find this Washington Post article fascinating. Herb has a day job! And he even goes to work on the day that his album comes out. The article is written by one of my favorite music writers, J. Freedom du Lac. I read anything he writes, even if I don't recognize the musical artists he's discussing.

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