Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More on Twittering and other Electronics

For those of you still wondering what all the Twitter fuss is about, I point your attention to this Washington Post article. It's the first thing I've read that made me feel almost enthusiastic about Twitter. As I've said before, and recently, I can hardly manage the technology that's in my life right now.

Kelli Russell Agodon has blogged enthusiastically about her iTouch here. Her post almost convinces me. Back in February, I was on a plane, where the space was so small, I could hardly hold my hardcover book open. I found myself longing for a small electronic gadget that would take up less space. I was also fresh from my reading at the Library of Congress, and feeling inspired. I found myself wishing for an electronic gadget that would let me carry all my computer files with me. It's the first time I understood the appeal of Blackberries and the like.

Lately, I'm a woman of many calendars, another experience that's helping me understand the appeal of electronics. Unfortunately, even if I got such a gadget, the IT department at my school is very strict about who can use their personal electronics with the school equipment. I kind of understand. Still, at the same time, it's frustrating to have all these media who can't communicate with each other.

For those of you who are tired of reading about gadgets, head on over to the Delirious Hem blogsite (a note for future readers, who may surf over after the blog has moved on to something else--go to the May 8, 2009 entry to get started). They're doing an amazing series on what being a feminist means today. I'm 43, so some of these poets seem young to me. And yet, how disheartening to read that they're still experiencing some of the same things. Still, lots of opportunity for hope, as you'll read.

I first fell in love with this blog when they did their series on the Gurlesque (here). I eagerly await the book that will come out some time this year.

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