Sunday, January 3, 2010

Writer's Resolutions--Monthly and Yearly

On November 1, I made some 2 month goals. How did I do?

Once again, I'll cut and paste the goals, and write underneath how I did. I'll use a different color, although those of you who read this blog on Facebook won't see the different color:

--keep writing a poem or two a week.

I only did this for 2 or 3 of the weeks of the last 8 weeks.

--organize next book-length manuscript and chapbook manuscript. The book-length manuscript will be my Jesus/God in the world poems and the chapbook manuscript will be the modern working women poems.

I accomplished this--hurrah!

--submit to the journals that stop taking submissions at the end of December.

I did this too.

--submit older book manuscript to 2-4 publishers.

I submitted the full-length manuscript to 2 publishers, and a chapbook manuscript to one publisher.

My goals for 2010 aren't much different from the ones I always post.

My main writing goal is to keep writing. I'd still like to write a poem or two or three a week and submit individual poems to journals.

But here's my main hope/dream/goal: by this time next year, I'd like to have a book forthcoming or published from a press that's reputable (I'm not averse to self-publishing, but I don't think that 2010 will be the best year for me to start a press). I'd love for it to be a book with a spine, although I'd also be happy with a chapbook.

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