Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween--with children around!

Today my sister and her 4 year old son come--yes, we get to have a Halloween with a child around. That fact has already made the season a bit more magical--we've carved a pumpkin for the first time in I can't remember how many years. We might go to a Halloween festival at a local park, something we would likely never do on our own. But there's face painting and a doggie costume contest and the 4 year old nephew got excited when he heard that.

Of course, we might stay home and decorate pumpkins and hand out candy. The above is a pumpkin that I decorated a year ago. Last year at school, the students made more painted and otherwise decorated pumpkins than carved ones. Yesterday, we had bigger pumpkins, and students carved them with great gusto.

The above picture is also from last year, when the Culinary students made Halloween gingerbread houses. Again, we're not likely to do that with the nephew. He's far more interested in going to the beach, or as he calls it, "Kris and Carl's beach." Yes, my husband and I own a beach! We'll have to be careful--he's not very fearful of the ocean yet, and he also can't swim well. Luckily, my sister is bringing his PFD.
So, if I go missing for a few days, you'll know that I'm having fun building sand castles, dancing around the living room, watching the original Star Wars, and painting pictures. This summer he was very into building forts out of blankets and tables, and we have great possibilities here. Here's hoping you and yours have a safe and Happy Halloween!

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