Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Blogging Forecast

As we head into the Christmas season, it's always hard to know what my blogging schedule may be. Perhaps I'll be up before everyone else, and I'll blog. Maybe I'll be so tired from all the festivity that I'll sleep. Suffice it to say that I'll be off schedule, and blogging may be lighter than usual. I expect to return to regular blogging on December 29. In the meantime, I wish great gobs of holiday cheer for everyone!

Above you see a poinsettia bush that's been growing in our backyard since last year. What possessed my husband to stick it into the ground? That's what he does. He plants and waters and hopes for the best. I had no idea that poinsettias are actually tropical plants--who would think that the plant most associated with Christmas actually comes from Central America? So, it's thrived in the back yard, and it's been thrilling to watch it change colors. The photo above was taken in mid-November, and its leaves have continued to redden.