Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 Book Give-Away: #1

Are you facing 2011 feeling uninspired? Then this week's book give-away is for you: Idea Catcher: An Inspiring Journal for Writers. Each page has a writing prompt at the top and plenty of space for writing beneath the prompt. I haven't written in any of the pages.

This book was published in 1995 by Story Press. It's very close to new.

Want to win your own copy? Leave me a comment. On the morning of January 9, I'll have a drawing, and if your name is chosen, not only will you receive this book, but I'll include a surprise book. The books are yours: to keep forever, to pass along, to donate, whatever you like.

If you like the idea of a book give-away, you might also check out my theology blog, where I'm giving away a book and a surprise book each week. This week's book isn't too theological: Geneen Roth's Women Food and God. To be considered for that drawing, you'll need to go here and leave a comment.


  1. What a great idea, and at both blogs! I'm sure someone will be very happy to catch that inspiring journal!

  2. Of course you can enter! And so far, the odds look very good for you.

  3. I gotta enter this one. I could use the journal to start writing again!

  4. Your comment at Radish King drew me here. I would like to enter your drawing, curious about the surprise as well as ever-eager for a book of blank pages. Your book lists tell me I am very far behind. Keeping up may be a goal that I abandon.

  5. I hardly ever write by hand these days, notes only, but I can think of a couple of people who might appreciate it as a gift. Count me in.

  6. What a clever idea. I would love to win journal.

    I've just recently began reading your blog and really enjoy it.

  7. Hi Kristin,

    Idea Catcher candidate, please?


  8. Michael is the lucky winner this week. There will be drawings almost every week this year, so be sure to check back every Sunday.
