Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Inspiration Cards, Soul Cards: My Adventures in Collage

I've had a fun 3 day week-end working in collage. My spouse and I decided to keep our art supplies out for the whole week-end, which made it easy to move back and forth between collaging and our other activities. I'd live like this day in and day out if I could, but he doesn't have the same mess/clutter tolerance that I do.

I also did some cards that tended towards the spiritual, which I really fell in love with. I decided to post those here on my theology blog, since this posting is already quite long.

If I had to choose one card in this post that's my favorite, it would be the one below, with this reminder: "Treat yourself well. Every day."

I couldn't get a non-blurry shot of the card below.

The card below also has an important message for me. Readers of this blog may have picked up on my tendency to fret a lot, often about events that don't come to pass, while other events blindside me and leave me gobsmacked. I continue to need to remember to relax.

The images in the card below should be obvious. I love the bottle tree in the middle of the card.

Replenishment! It's what we all need.

I found myself collecting images of snow and glaciers and ice. What can it mean? Snow envy?

You are probably discerning some themes here.

In the card below, I love the typewriter keys. I love the glass star. I love the idea of an asylum for my soul.

I began on Friday night with the idea that I'd make poetry inspiration cards. Below is the "Diving Into the Wreck" card. My spouse has lots of SCUBA magazines. I could make these kind of inspiration cards from now to doomsday--but would they start to look the same after awhile?

Below you'll see a card I call the Poetry Goddess card.

May we all, male and female, find our inner poetry goddesses, our deep springs of inspiration, the words that we need to hear.


  1. i love making these cards! i have a whole box of them but it has been a long time since i've worked on any.

    i have started instead collaging in blank journals, but with the same kind of thought: inspiration for writing.

    good stuff! i love seeing images that appeal to you!

  2. Awesome! Thanks for sharing.

    I'm jealous that you could keep your supplies out. Our cats would send everything flying the minute my back was turned.
