Thursday, July 7, 2011

Conversation with the Nutritionist

The nutritionist says, "I see you ate two hamburgers on Friday."

The former vegetarian nods.

The nutritionist asks, "Both 1/4 pound of ground chuck?"

The former vegetarian nods.

The nutritionist says, "Both had buns?"

The former vegetarian nods.

The nutritionist asks, "And what did you have with them?"

She expects the former vegetarian to say something sensible, like baked beans or a salad.  But the former vegetarian says, "Half a bottle of red wine.  Which is really just a few glasses."

The nutritionist chews on her pen.  She says, "I think I see a few places where we could make adjustments."


  1. I am afraid that I am the former vegetarian in question. I used to have better health habits; I'm hoping to recapture them.

  2. I am laughing, too! And yearning for half a bottle of red wine!! (There's one sitting on the counter.)
