Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Ready for My Writer's Retreat

Soon I'll be off for my annual writer's retreat at Mepkin Abbey.

I must remember what I need to bring.

In terms of writing, I'll need:

--my manuscript that I hope to revise, plus all the poems I might include.  This manuscript is one I first put together 2 years ago, but I haven't sent it out much.  It's the collection of poems that has a spiritual theme.  It's the one I thought about revising here.
--my paper journal--no laptop, no wireless connection, no Internet.  I haven't written in that journal much since last year.
--my lavender legal pad and some good pens.
--my notebook where I'm collecting eBook ideas.
--my 50 simple ways to make your body feel better manuscript--how close is it to being finished?
--books to read, both inspirational (about writing) and fiction.

I'll spend a lot of time gazing at the banks of this river and walking beside it.

In terms of clothes, I'll need walking shoes and long pants and layers.  Two years ago, I happily drove away and was most of the way there before I realized I had left all my cold weather clothes in Florida:  no coat, no sweater, nothing.  Last year was VERY cold.  I hope it will be more temperate this year.

I'll want my camera.  I'll be taking lots of walks and taking lots of pictures.  I'm taking pictures now with an eye towards eBooks that I might write some day.  I'll want pictures, and I won't want to have to pay for them.  Mepkin Abbey has lots of photography opportunities.

I'll be meeting old friends there, fellow writers and teachers.  I always find this time amazingly productive:  two years ago I created the manuscript that would become I Stand Here Shredding Documents.  What will I create this year?

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