Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve: A Turkey and Harvest Themed Photo Essay

Today many of us are travelling, cooking, or shopping for tomorrow's feast.  Most of us probably don't have time to read a word-dense post.  So, enjoy these photos!

A different kind of family portrait below!

Below:  the winner for most creative use of a pumpkin!

Are they turkeys or roosters?

Below:  How many pumpkins can you find?

I wish I had pictures of the wild turkeys at Lutheridge, but I've never been quick enough.  There are at least 4 of them around church camp this year.  Maybe I'll be lucky and return with pictures for next year.

Drive safely!  Purchase wisely!  Don't wear yourself out cooking! 

In all seriousness, may we have much to make us grateful, may all be fed, may we find some quiet space to do what we love, and may our loved ones remember us during this holiday week-end.

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