Saturday, February 25, 2012

Houses that We Create for Animals and Others

Yesterday's post turned out to be so beguiling to me that I decided to create a photo essay of buildings built for others:  animals, mail, the pleasure of creating a small structure.

I love this mailbox in the shape of a cottage, complete with barrel tile roof:

I seem to have more photos of birdhouses than doghouses or mailboxes or other small structures.

I wonder what a bird would think of such a place.  "Gee, this is gaudy."  "Wow, up in New England you wouldn't have these tropical colors."  "I wish we could have afforded an extra bedroom."  "Who knew that being a snowbird would be so much fun."

Below, church as birdhouse:

Birdhouse mosaic!

Sometimes the sea gives you what you need to embellish a castle made of sand:

And sometimes, you must resort to Legos:

Gingerbread makes a very good building material, no matter what season it is:

And of course, there are the final houses that we build for our dead:

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