Tuesday, April 10, 2012

2012 Poetry Give Away: The Better Late than Never Entry

The only image I can manage to import is the one above.  But I've decided to go ahead and be part of this give away, even though you won't have images of the books--although you can look on the sidebar and see what my books look like.

I'm actually going to give away three books.  I'm going to give away a copy of each of my chapbooks, but to different people.  And because I am still sad at her death, I'm going to give away at least one Adrienne Rich volume of poems--which one?  I'm not sure, because I have loved them all so much.  And to be honest, this deadline has whapped me in the head after sneaking up on me, and I haven't had time to do my due diligence to be sure that I can get a specific title.  But I'm sure that I'll find a copy of one that I have loved in the next few weeks. And if I find several, maybe I'll give away several.

If you want to participate by giving away books of poems, go to this post on Kelli's blog--but you only have until midnight tonight.  If you want a complete list of the participating people, Kelli's blog has a sidebar--lots of good stuff being given away!

The blogs in my sidebar are the writing and creativity blogs that I read most frequently.  I wish I could say I had a big project, but my next big project soon will be to get centered and focus on my poetry goals again.  It's been a busy half year of travelling and craziness at work and more illness than usual, including my grandmother's sickness and death.  I'm ready for some springtime renewal that lasts through the summer!

So, if you want to enter my drawing, please leave a comment and a way to get in touch with you (an e-mail address is the usual route) if you're the lucky winner!  I'll do the drawing on May 1 and mail the books soon after.  I'll get your address privately, so no need to post more than an e-mail address.  Or we could all post our addresses and send poetry postcards--wait, that's a different project (in August!).


  1. Yay! I have Shredding Documents--a wonderful book--but I'd love a chance to win Whistling Past the Graveyard.

  2. Count me in! Thanks! Jessica at www.jessicagoodfellow.com

  3. i too have been sad about adrienne rich--wonderful poet and a terrible loss-- thank you for doing this giveaway!

    thisquiethour at gmail dot com

  4. I'd love to be included! And yes, so sad about AR...


  5. Nice to meet you! Please sign me up for your contest!


  6. Would love to be entered!
    - Molly

    (molly dot sutton dot kiefer at gmail dot the rest)

  7. Hi Kristin,
    I'd love to be entered into this drawing and win one of your chapbooks! ~Carol

    BergCaro (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. Thanks for doing this!

    Andrew Ty
    eldritch00 at gmail dot com

  9. Please count me in. Thanks. nandini

  10. Count me in!

    Tara Mae Mulroy

  11. Please add me to the drawing. Thanks!

    Michael Wells

  12. I too am saddened by Adrienne Rich's passing, but thankful for the beauty she left behind. Consider me entered!

  13. Please enter me, as well. Thanks!

    mollycspencer at gmail dot com

  14. I'd like to enter.

    Stephen S. Mills


  15. A bit last minute, but I'd like to drop my name in if it's not too late...!

    Joseph Harker

  16. Thanks, everyone, for playing. And the winners are . . .

    Kathleen has won a copy of my first chapbook, "Whistling Past the Graveyard."

    Jessica has won a copy of my second chapbook, "I Stand Here Shredding Documents."

    Carol has won the Adrienne Rich book "Dark Fields of the Republic."
