Monday, June 11, 2012

Collage with Fabric and Fiber

At our recent Create in Me retreat, I hosted a drop in station.  I had fabrics and yarns--textures of all kinds.

My idea was that people would create scarves or necklaces. 

People had a great time playing with possibilities.

I wasn't feeling inspired to create a scarf.  I wanted to collage.  But I had trouble figuring out the best way to arrange the images.  We had created larger collages earlier in the retreat:

I felt like I didn't have enough material for a large collage like this one:

In the end, I glued my pictures and words into a shoebox lid.  But I didn't like the way it looked (and I don't have a before picture). 

So, I added some yarn and wrapped the whole thing in glittery fabric.

I've experimented with collage, and I've experimented with lots of fiber art projects.  As far as I can recall, this project is the first where I've combined the two.  I'm calling it a success; in fact, I like the finished project so much that I hung it in my office.


  1. Love the use of the shoebox lid and the addition of the fabric. Cool. Very cool.

  2. Thanks--are you still making your wonderful cards? I love collaging, but don't get to do it as often as I'd like. And then when I do, I think, why don't I do this more often?
