Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Strategizing for Christmas 2013

Twas the day after Christmas,
and all through the land,
the smart folks went shopping,
to make one last stand.

Long ago, before my sister had her child, my mom, sister, and I used to hit the after-Christmas sales. Often we'd go on Dec. 26.  Some years, my mom would buy our Christmas presents as we shopped.  We had less to open under the tree, but as older girls and women, we understood that we'd end up with more gifts.

We'd hit the mall early and have a morning coffee break, a leisurely lunch as we made our final decisions, and then we'd drive home, tired but happy.

Even if you don't want to take advantage of Christmas sales at the mall, it's a good time of year to stock up on your holiday supplies for next year.  Holiday cards don't really change--buy them now, while they're 75-85% off.  Likewise for ribbon and wrapping paper.  I love the smell of Christmas candles all year round.  They're super cheap right now.  Have you had your eye on any special decorations?  Go ahead and splurge now. 

And you don't have to brace yourself to go to a mall or to some superstore.  I've often made great purchases at Jo-Anns (our local cloth shop that's a chain), Michaels, and other arts and crafts stores.  Likewise, your bookstore might be having great sales.

Of course, if you don't store everything in one place, you might want to make yourself a note.  I remember that one year I searched high and low in my 10 x10 foot office as I couldn't remember where I had stashed the departmental cards for next year.  Now I make a reminder note in early December in my Outlook calendar.

I'm not a big fan of mindless consumerism, but I am a fan of strategizing to save money--and by strategizing now, perhaps you're also giving yourself the gift of time come December 2013.

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