Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sprouting Seeds as We Shift to Spring

Today is Candlemas, where Christians celebrate the presentation of Jesus at the Temple, and pagans long ago celebrated the goddess Brigid, and some Wiccans today will be celebrating at Imbolc, or a variation of any number of pagan holidays. It's also Groundhog's Day. It's one of those times when we can almost perceive the shifting of the seasons. It's not spring yet, but it will be soon.

A year ago, I wrote this post, which has this reference and wonderful quote from Christine Valters Paintner: "She reminds us that this time of year, with St. Brigid's Day and Candlemas, celebrates the light shining in the darkness, the seeds already germinating in the ground. She encourages us to go inward to see what's sprouting inside ourselves: 'Candlemas and Imbolc are traditionally a time to look forward. What does the new life stirring in your own world sound like? Can you hear it deep within you? How can you nurture this seedling in the fertile dark earth of your soul in the coming days?'"

My post of a year ago went on to consider my work at my job, which some days consists of reading many e-mails most of which are trivial, and my social justice work of feeding the homeless.

This year, I'm at Mepkin Abbey where I'm working on my memoir and thinking about restructuring a poetry manuscript. I'm reading spiritual works of all sorts and going on walks through wintry landscapes that are shifting to spring.

I'm ready for new seeds to sprout.  A year ago, I wasn't aware I would be working on a memoir, and now I'm hoping that I can create something that opens all sorts of doors:  retreat leader, spiritual director, workshop leader, speaker at conferences, visiting writer.

I also understand that new seeds might be sprouting that I can't even anticipate right now.  I'm open to those seeds as well.

What seeds are stirring in the deep, dark earth of your soul?

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