Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lace Up Your Shoes and Broaden Your View of Justice: Happy Harriet Tubman Day!

Today is the 100th anniversary of the death of Harriet Tubman.  I've written about this anniversary before on this blog in this post.

Careful readers of this blog know that Harriet Tubman influences me in many ways.  In this post, I talk about Harriet Tubman as role model for managers.

For those of you who would like a poem, there's one in this post.

Here's a great conversation about Harriet Tubman on NPR's Tell Me More.  It talks about the challenges we see in modern life and our need to be brave like Harriet Tubman.  When asked what we should remember about Tubman, Jacqueline Serwer, the chief curator of the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture, says, "Well, I'd like people to think of her as really complex and multifaceted and as a person who was very able and very strong and very determined, but also as somebody who was lovely and soft and spent most of her life - certainly after the Civil War - looking after her family and elderly people, people, indigent African-Americans who, you know, had no way to support themselves after the war. And also she went on to be very involved in the suffrage movement as well. So she really had a very broad view of justice and what was important and what people needed to endeavor to do. And so she was involved in all kinds of good things that supported other people."

A broad view of justice:  a great goal to renew on this day that celebrates Harriet Tubman!

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