Thursday, April 18, 2013

Making Wedding Dresses, Making Metaphors

Yesterday I touched base with one of my poet friends.  We plan to go to the Richard Blanco reading on April 29 (it's at the public library at the South campus of Broward College, at 7:30, if you're in town and interested).

I said, "It will be a great way to end National Poetry Month.  I need to do something."

She said, "I'm sure you've written a lot of poems."

How touching, her faith in me!  Sadly, in this month when many people are writing a poem a day, I have written precisely 3.  Better than writing no poems, true, but not where I'd like to be.

Of course, I'm never where I want to be.

If you find yourself needing inspiration, try this exercise that Kelli presents in this post on her blog.  I had great fun with the How to Make a Wedding Dress possibility.  Perhaps I shall go back and do more with the different types of fabric.  Or maybe I'll move on.

I've been thinking about metaphor and how we teach metaphor.  Or does it need to be taught?  Do we not intuitively understand metaphor?

I ask this because of an experience I had on Sunday morning which I wrote about in this blog post.  In our service that's more committed to creativity, we sent everyone out to see where they saw signs of Jesus.

Sure, you say it would be easy.  It's a church, after all.  We're surrounded by signs and signifiers, as we used to say in grad school.

But look at the picture of the spiderweb below.  Where do you see Jesus?

The pre-teen who took this picture explained, "It's sticky, and like a spiderweb, Jesus sticks with you."

Does this child need additional instruction in metaphor?  Nope--she's ready for poetry.

The photo below is more obvious.  But it's my favorite of all the ones taken on Sunday.

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