Monday, June 10, 2013

Week-end Wrap Up

Before we launch into the work week, let me record some delights from the week-end:

--It was a week-end of meals with friends.  On Friday, I went to dinner at the Chef's Palette, our student run restaurant, with one group of friends, and then I spent Saturday with a different group. 

--Friday night's meal was amazing.  I had an salad with heirloom tomatoes, green beans, hearts of palm, and an amazing egg that had been poached and then fried.  I had short ribs on a bed of whipped parsnips and potatoes.  By the time we got to the molten chocolate cake, I could only eat 2 bites.

--I'm not used to eating such rich food in the evening.  I had some trouble sleeping.  But that turned out to be a good thing.  I got up and got a lot of work done on the blog post that's due to Living Lutheran by Friday.

--Saturday was wonderful:  a chance to see old friends who I don't see on a daily basis anymore, a time to take a break from all the chores that buying a new house requires.  For the most part, I was able to put those stresses out of my mind.  It was a welcome respite.

--Throughout the week-end I took care of some of the immense amount of paperwork that's now required to get a mortgage.  I made PDF files and retrieved some financial documents online.  You wouldn't think these tasks would take so much time, but they do.  Plus, every website is different, so it takes some time to find what I needed.  But I did.

--On Sunday we took care of some of the tasks that will make this week's chores easier:  a Target run, a Home Depot run, a load of laundry, and yard work.

--We've had flooding rains, especially on Friday.  On Saturday some of the streets around our new house remained flooded, but our new street was fine.  Our current street never floods, although the surrounding streets do.  It continued to rain off and on all week-end.  But by Sunday, it had dried out enough to mow the lawn.

--In the midst of it all, I did some sewing.  What a treat to return to brightly colored fabric and the soothing rhythm of sewing straight lines by hand.

I won't have much time for sewing in the week to come with its meetings and home buying work to be done and graduation on Thursday.  But I'll take refuge in the memory of this week-end's good times, and the promise of more to come.

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