Saturday, September 21, 2013

Autumn Arrives: The Cusp of the Equinox

Do you have autumnal weather where you are?  Some leaves changing color or other sensory cues to let you know the seasons are shifting?

Down here in South Florida, I often have this experience that reminds me of seasonal shift.  I walk into a grocery store, and I'm hit by the smell of cinnamon:  the cinnamon brooms have arrived!  I walk in, sweaty from the walk to my car, and as I adjust to the chill of the air conditioning, I reflect on how non-autumnal I feel.

If I had more time, I'd put together a fresh photo essay, but that's not the week I'm having this year.  Luckily, I have done this kind of photo essay in the past.  So, for photos that may put you in an autumn frame of mind, see this post.

It's a good time to offer some thanks for what the summer season has given us and to reflect upon our hopes and yearnings for the next 3 months.  I am happy that summer brought me a new house and new experiences that come with living closer to the beach.  I am hoping to begin this new season by closing on the sale of our old house and settling more fully into our new house.  I am hoping to get back to a writing schedule.  I am hoping to be more fully present for people than I have been during the hectic summer I've just experienced.

What are your autumnal yearnings?  What do you hope and plan to do?   

1 comment:

  1. Kristin,
    It does not feel like autumn here today as it's quite warm but I'm truly enjoying today as summer will not last much longer and then there is beautiful autumn.

    I love living in Colorado with its amazing mountains but how wonderful that are living close to the beach.
    I do miss the beach!

    Hope all your hopes are fulfilled!
