Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Trip to the Girls Club Gallery

Two weeks ago, I went with an Art Appreciation class to the Girls Club Gallery.  What a treat!

I love this space.  I love what they manage to do with this space.  It's small enough to have enough art on display, but not so big to be overwhelming.

Each year, they put together a show that stays on display for 9 months.  Often they invite a guest curator(s) to look through the works owned by the gallery owners and put something together.  It makes for an interesting approach.  Most shows include a variety of mediums.  Most shows consist of work predominantly, but not exclusively, by females.

This piece below began in a much higher place.  The balloons held the Care Bear aloft.  Through the weeks, they've lost helium and sunk:

Imagine all the things you could do with your old Barbie dolls!

 Interesting to ponder how recognizable a Barbie's eyes are!


This piece looks like it's made of lace, but it's really metal:

I wasn't sure you'd be able to see the white on white nature of this piece:

Here's a close up:

This artist (below) uses Polaroid film, the film that holds the chemicals against what will eventually become the photo.  What will she do when there's no more Polaroid film in the world?

I like the artist's use of photos and that allusion to those old types of photos and the cut outs of profiles:

I've written already about this piece in this blog post.  It continues to intrigue me:

This exhibition was the best kind:  it left me inspired and excited about art.  You can see it too; it's up until September 26.

Contact info:

Girls’ Club is located in downtown Fort Lauderdale in the 3rd Avenue Art District at 117 NE 2nd Street (between Andrews Ave. and 3rd Ave.) Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301; Regular hours: Wednesday – Friday, 1pm – 5pm; for an appointment call 954-828-9151 or email the gallery.

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