Saturday, March 29, 2014

Nephew and Sister Time

On Thursday, my sister and nephew took an evening flight and arrived for a long week-end with us.  They live in the D.C. area, which has had one of the harder winters in modern memory, so they are ready for some Florida sunshine.

Yesterday, we set about to getting them just that experience.  We began the morning by the pool.  My spouse made my nephew's favorite breakfast--bacon!  He made bacon and eggs on the grill.  My sister and I drank coffee and waited for the sun to rise higher in the sky.  My nephew tried to decide when he could brave the pool.

The pool is still chilly, but he's swum in colder waters in the middle of summer.  Eventually, we all got in the pool.

In the afternoon, we walked to the beach to have pizza at the organic brewery.  We played a bit on the beach and in the surf, but it wasn't a good ocean day, with rougher surf, risk of rip currents, and the purple flags flying that means stinging creatures have been sighted.

We came back home and played Skip-Bo, a card game from the folks who created Uno; I like Skip-Bo better.  Then it was back to the pool.

We will likely have a similar day today.   Ahhhhhhhhh.  My spirit has needed this kind of time so desperately. 

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