Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Morning Gratitude: Believing Mirrors

This morning I'm grateful for my local writing friends.  We've decided that we'll get together more often and so more to keep each other on target.

Frankly, my two writing friends seem on target already.  One woman is finishing her book of short stories based on Indian mythology and the other is working to find a publisher for her book on the sociology of creativity.  I feel like I'm the one who isn't on track.

One of my friends expressed awe for all of my projects, but I pointed out that I rarely take them to completion, which in my mind would be publication.  My friend pointed out that I'm ready.  She's said this often, and I'm about ready to believe her.

Julia Cameron, in her many books on creativity, has talked about the importance of believing mirrors.  We're all surrounded by too many messages that tell us of all the things we can't do.  Cameron instructs us to find the people who believe in us and to hang onto them.

I've found recently that I need to do more than hang on--I need to schedule time to be with those believing mirrors.  And I need my believing mirrors to ask if I'm making the kind of progress they believe I can be making.

I will be meeting with my Believing Mirror Group three weeks from today.  We will come with concrete goals that we hope to achieve between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  I'll post them on this blog, and I'll use this blog as a believing mirror too and a way to be accountable.

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