Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Threat of a Cold

--I have spent the last 5 days hoping that I wasn't coming down with a cold.  Well, the cold is here.  Luckily, so far, it's fairly mild, by which I mean no coughing and no nausea.  I can go on with my life.

--However, I'm more aware of my sinuses than I like to be.  I'm aware of how fluids flow through our bodies.

--I am feeling like a planet that contains more water than she knew.  My head is a vast ocean that only appears to be a solid land mass.

--I'm concentrating on my cold this morning because I have such an intensive week that's underway.  Days at work, nights at Vacation Bible School.  And it's the last week at school, which means there's a graduation Thursday.  On Friday, my spouse and I are driving to Orlando, where he has a Board of Trustees meeting for Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Florida from 9-1.  Then we're driving back to be at church for the last night of Vacation Bible School.

--Maybe my cold will be on the wane by Thursday and Friday.  Maybe it will be gone completely.

--Today I begin my day at work by meeting with writer friends who are also work colleagues.  I don't have much to report, but I do have plans.  My online teaching for the rest of the year will be better suited to getting some writing done.  I will get that draft of my memoir finished, even though despair has swamped my little boat lately.

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