Thursday, June 26, 2014

Where I Would Have Been Two Months Ago

Hard to believe it's been two months since the Create in Me retreat--and I never really posted pictures.  Let me go back to what we'd have been doing.

I had a successful experience throwing a pot on the wheel.  I still can't tell when the clay is balanced, but I've never gotten this far with it.

I also created a finger labyrinth.  Very cool.  I do find it calming to trace it:

I led a drop-in workshop on hand piecing and quilting.  Lots of people who had never sewed a stitch before dropped by--and they were largely successful!

We had several cool worship experiences.  I love the idea of adding elements to the baptismal font, like these rocks that glow and reminded us of our Bible study that combined theology and astronomy:

But nothing quite matches the service in the labyrinth. 


It's a sending service, where we remember that no matter how alone we feel, there are others in the circle with us.  We are not alone.

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