Sunday, October 5, 2014

Creative Impulses for a Sunday

We were forecast to have the first front of the season move through this week-end, but I didn't believe it.  It's early in the season for a cold front to swoop this far south.  But indeed, it's cooler this morning! 

Of course, that means it's 72 degrees, not 85.  Still, I'm happy.  I'm ready for changes of all sorts.  I'm ready to follow some creative impulses.  Some possibilities:

--At some point, I want some fall flowers for the porch, some mums or marigolds.  But I may wait a few weeks, until after the pumpkin offload at my church.  That way, I can create an autumnal tableaux.

--In the meantime, I'll buy myself an autumnal bouquet after my dentist's appointment on Tuesday. 

--Ordinarily, I might make pumpkin bread when the weather changes.  But this morning, I need to make the communion bread for the 9:45 church service.

--My poetry juices seem to be flowing again!  Yesterday, a Facebook friend posted this:  "Camping in October: waking cold on the stony ground, I know the day will be perfect."  I thought about the fact that some of us deprive ourselves on purpose, and then I thought of refugees who often have little choice but to sleep on a stony ground--but their day won't be perfect.

--Maybe I'll just spend the day reading, which is sort of a creative impulse.  The coverage of Ebola has led me back to the bubonic plague.  I just finished rereading Geraldine Brooks' Year of Wonders.  Next up:  Connie Willis' The Doomsday Book, about a modern researcher who time travels back to the worst year of the medieval plague.

--Speaking of reading, I'm delighted by this interview with Billy Collins on poetry and leadership and the purpose of poetry.  He says, "Poetry can do a lot of things to people. I mean it can improve your imagination. It can take you to new places. It can give you this incredible form of verbal pleasure. But leadership to me suggests that there’s a place to lead the person to, that there’s a mission or a goal involved. I don’t think poets are that purpose driven. A poem actually can have either no point or a very nuanced point."

--If the weather is cooling off, it's time to start thinking about quilting again.  I need to think about another charity quilting event at church--perhaps for All Saints Sunday.  I need to finish a project that celebrates my parents' 50th anniversary.  I need to add a panel to this:

One heart for every year of marriage.  I made the first creation for their 25th anniversary when I was poor and in grad school.  The quilting gets better closer to the bottom.  It seems a fitting metaphor.

--Ah what joys !  A Sunday stretches ahead with all sorts of creative possibilities!

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