Friday, January 2, 2015

Back to Regular Life

Today I go back to work.  I could have taken today off, but we're at the beginning of the new year.  Each year, I have 25 days of Paid Time Off--that means that any kind of leave.  Those days don't roll over.  Once the calendar year ends, they're gone.

So, because I don't want to use up my leave days too quickly, I will go to work today.  Like last year, I may end up with extra days at the end of the year.  That's O.K.  I'll use them then.

It will be good to go into the office during the quiet days when many people will still be on vacation.  There's the basic work that needs to be done:  time cards to approve, annual reviews to get signed and submitted.  I'm sure there will be e-mails to answer and perhaps some transcripts to evaluate.

It's been a good time away--very restorative, as times away should be.  I've gotten things written, my own projects and paid work.  I've gotten some training done for a new online teaching adventure.  I've been enjoying time to read and walk and spend time with friends.

I've had time to shop.  I went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on olive oil since prices are predicted to rise this year, since last year's olive harvest was so disappointing.  I bought flavored teas during end of year sales--that's how I plan to drink more water and fight the constant midwinter chill that is my office. 

I'm only part way through cleaning out my closet.  It's time to get those shoes and clothes to people who might use them.  There will still be time to work on that never-ending project.

I've still got some work to do for my online class that starts on Tuesday.  But there is time this week-end.

I've made salad for today.  It will be good to get back to healthier eating.  Soon I will go to spin class; it will be good to get back to more rigorous exercise.

But I will still try to keep Christmas going even as the decorations are disappearing.  I'll take my cue from Mepkin Abbey, which celebrates a complete Christmas season--not just until Epiphany, but until Candlemas on Feb. 2.

wreath over the library entrance at Mepkin Abbey
For more pictures like the one above, see this blog post on my theology blog.

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