Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday Thankfulness

I feel the beginnings of frazzledness beginning to fray all my fabrics:  Vacation Bible School starts soon and I still have supplies to buy; I discovered that one set of online classes starts June 30, several weeks before I thought they started (luckily, they're ready to go, but it left me feeling unsettled); my spouse is deep in his first teaching job in 20 years; I sense we're in a time of momentous meetings; and there's some home upkeep stuff sliding away from me.

I told a friend of mine that I feel like I've failed Home Ownership 101.  She just smiled and said, "That's an American thing."

Perhaps.  I find it interesting that when some of our plants in the yard die, I don't necessarily feel responsible, but when the pool takes on a greenish tinge or when the window leaks when it hadn't before--these things feel like moral failings somehow.

It's good to remember how many events really aren't within our control, although our U.S. narrative tells us differently.

So let me take a minute to record some gratitude for the week that is passing:

--I've been invited to great meals with friends throughout the week:  paella after spin class on Tuesday, lunch during a rainburst yesterday.

--I made a wonderful salad Monday night--not a sentence I use often.  I was trying to repeat what I had at a restaurant a few weeks ago:  chopped romaine, prosciutto, goat cheese, tomatoes, grilled nectarines, with a honey lemon vinaigrette.  Yum.

--I had a great time yesterday talking to various artists friends:  my writer friend who inspires me to keep looking for an agent, my artist friend who inspires me to think of multidiscipline festival type events.

--I have accomplished all the writing goals that I listed in this April blog post, goals for this time in May and June where my teaching load would be less until it picks back up again in July.

--I have been noticing the brilliant color of the flowers this year:  the Yellow Tabulina trees back in March, the Royal Poinciana trees now.  Is the light different this year?  Am I just more aware?

--This week, more than other weeks, I've seen end-of-quarter projects that remind me that important work is happening in the classroom.

--I'm reminded to think broadly, to lift up my eyes and remember all the communities which give me support networks:  my family, my friends both near and far, my colleagues, my church, my neighborhood.  For these support networks, I am most grateful.

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