Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Motorcycle Class Retrospective with Pictures

Two weeks ago, I was doing this:

Readers of this blog know that I didn't complete my training 2 weeks ago.  This picture may help explain why.  Can you tell how hot and exhausted I was before we took the test?

I went back the following Wednesday (1 week ago) to complete the work.  These pictures are all from my first round of training.

I was surprised by how much I hadn't learned when I went back to complete the training.  I was lucky that I got to be part of the class before the test.  Even with the 3.5 additional hours of practice, I still wasn't sure I would pass the riding test.   

I have told many a student that they just weren't ready to progress on to the next class.  I had forgotten how humiliating/crushing it can be to hear that message, even if it's true. 

I'm glad I went back to finish.  I'm even more glad that I don't have to go back again.

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