Sunday, October 25, 2015

Reformation Dawn

Today is Reformation Sunday.  You may or may not remember that this festival day celebrates Martin Luther's radical act of nailing to the church door (the community bulletin board of its day) some of the most important things that he thought was wrong with the Catholic Church.

There are many reasons why more of us should celebrate, even if we're not religious.  Martin Luther translated the Bible into German so that anyone could read it.  Because the sacred text was available, more people achieved literacy.  Once people can read, it's harder to oppress them, either spiritually or politically.

One of my most memorable Reformation Sundays was spent with a Lutheran friend and an Episcopalian friend during our retreat at Mepkin Abbey, a Trappist monastery.

One of my friends said that she was glad not to be singing "A Mighty Fortress is Our God."  She said that she preferred the honesty of the Psalms.

We got in touch with Christian roots that are much more ancient than the roots that we usually celebrate during Reformation Sunday.

What ancient traditions call to you this Reformation Sunday?

What new forms do you yearn to create?

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