Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Monastery Memories that Restore a Measure of Calm

In times of stress, I remember the monastery, which helps me control my negative reactions:

I think of the silence:

I remember the Psalms wafting their way to the rafters:

I remember to trust in the hospitality of the universe, where my needs will often be met in ways that I can't anticipate.

I think of my friends, both in the pages of books and in the people who join me on retreat:

But most of all, I remember the monastery dog, who led me across the grounds:

I think of the monastery dog's contentment, and I resolve to adopt the mindset of a dog:

I will live moment by moment and to trust that all will be well.  I will remember the arms that hold us all:

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post. And hi. I just found your blog while searching about retreats at Mepkin Abbey. I'm off for my first four day retreat there tomorrow.
