Monday, November 23, 2015

Quilting (and Other Creativities) Sunday

Yesterday at church, we quilted for several hours.  People came and went and came back, and we got 2 quilt tops knotted to 2 quilt backs.  We started one and finished it during the morning, and we finished knotting the one that we started back in September.  I also sewed together 2 quilt backs for later quilts.

I tend to forget how much we get done when we do these events.  At the last event in September, we got much of a quilt top finished and about half of a quilt top knotted to a back.
I try not to think about how many quilts we could make if we had more time.  We have the time that we have.

I spent the afternoon finishing up my manuscript materials to get the packet sent to Finishing Line Press.  It's good to have that done. 

Of course, it's not done until I get it in the mail.  I should be able to get that done today.  Then I will truly feel better.

Soon it will be time to think about getting the house into shape for our December guests, but not today.  Today is the time to get ready for Thanksgiving.  The guests of December will be here soon enough.

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