Saturday, November 21, 2015

Random Snapshots from the End of a Week

--Yesterday we had our annual eye exams.  It was the first time that I've been to the eye doctor when my left eye was slightly goopy.  The good news:  it's not an infection, and it's not threatening.  The bad news:  she doesn't have an easy answer for what it is.  The mucous looks like allergies.  But what am I allergic to?  And why don't anti-allergy eye drops clear it up?  Still, I'm relieved that it's not threatening to my eyesight.

--After our eye appointments, we came home, grilled burgers, and waited for the pupil dilation to abate.  We decided not to go to the downtown tree lighting ceremony for a variety of reasons:  dilated eyes, hot and humid air, the threat of rain, and the tiredness of the pas week bearing down on us.

--We discovered yet another new channel on our digital but not cable-connected TV.  It's the Laff channel, and last night it was like reliving the 90's:  Grace Under Fire, The Drew Carey Show, and Spin City.  What great shows.  Scripted TV is so rarely at that kind of level these days.  Of course, I remember in the 90's saying the same thing about older TV and the shows of the 90's.

--I've been up for hours, as is my usual approach to Saturday.  I've gotten a lot done:  rough drafts graded for my online students, grocery shopping, some writing.  Soon I will go to spin class.

--Today the JoAnn's fabric store nearest to me has its grand re-opening.  Ordinarily, I would stay away.  But I need supplies for church tomorrow.  Yes, it's another quilting day at my church, and I am the one who leads it all.  We need supplies:  batting, fabric for backing, embroidery floss for knotting the layers together.

--I have lots of dried fruits from a few week-ends ago when I thought I would make special bread for All Saints Day and didn't.  Maybe I'll make an old-fashioned fruitcake.

--But the main thing I must do today and tomorrow:  get the materials finished for my chapbook publisher.  I'm almost done.  I just have decisions to make about the cover art.  Stay tuned!

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