Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Computer Systems, Agreeable and Not

--The computer models seem to agree:  the mid-Atlantic to Northeast states are likely to be walloped by a winter storm of perhaps historic proportions.  I'm glad we're not travelling this week-end.

--Of course, even if we had plane tickets, we likely wouldn't be travelling.  I remember the last time that there was a storm of historic proportion scheduled, and I had plane tickets.  The airline cancelled them 4 days in advance.  I thought about trying to figure out another way to get to the DC area for the retreat I was supposed to lead, but I quickly realized that if the airline was convinced that the weather would be so dreadful, that I should submit.

--The retreat was cancelled, and had I gotten in the car and driven, I'd have been stuck there for a week.

--In the meantime, computer systems that aren't agreeing are giving me fits.  I teach online classes at 2 colleges.  At one of them, I'm trying to sign a contract.  I can download it and sign it, but I can't get it back up to the SharePoint site.  It's maddening.

--I don't understand why switching browsers often solves problems.  It likely won't solve the contract issue I'm having, but it's next on my list of things to try.

--I've spent a lot of time on this--it would have taken less time for me to drive it to the HR office.

--But let me think about how miraculous this all is, how much can be done, usually, from the comfort of my desk chair.

--I made several submissions of poetry packets yesterday, all of which went well, and only one of which required a stamp.

--I also graded a batch of student work--all of it submitted via a computer system, which I could then grade via that system.  Amazing.

--But I also had some great offline experiences.  After work, a group of friends I've had for awhile met at a restaurant on the water.  It was too chilly to sit on the covered deck.  It was almost too chilly to sit inside--it's the kind of place where the sliding glass doors are kept open.

--But we persevered.  I was glad that I had worn an extra layer.

--And now for another day of chill, another day of winter clothes that I rarely wear.  We'll keep our eyes on all our computer systems, as we report final numbers of students, as we watch markets around the world, as we prepare for whatever weather is coming our way.

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