Saturday, February 13, 2016

A Gift of a Day

In our alternate Saturday, we'd have been getting ready to go on a motorcycle ride today.  There's a group headed over to Everglades City for a seafood festival.  We'd have left to get to the meet-up point, then there would have been a 2 hour ride across the state, then a few hours in Everglades City, then 3 hours to get back home.  In short, it would have killed much of the day.

It's the kind of outing that seems wonderful when considering it during the lazy days of Christmas vacation.  But as the time approached, I felt misgivings.

My spouse and I both feel that we've spent much of the last few weeks in the car, driving and driving and driving.  The thought of that long trip made us even more tired than we were feeling last night as we sat on our front porch discussing the week-end's possibilities.

It would also have been cold.  It's 55 degrees out there right now--I can't put on enough layers to feel warm on the bike when it gets this cold.

So, we decided not to go on the big ride.  We may take the bikes out later today, or we may go for a shorter ride tomorrow afternoon, or both.

It feels like a gift of a day--I resolve not to waste it.

I've already sent out two short stories and written a poem.  We will do some work in the yard.  There's cooking to do:  turkey and dumplings, and maybe homemade pizza.  This evening, maybe we can sit on the porch as the light shifts towards sunset.

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