Friday, March 4, 2016

Lunch and the Larger Writerly Tasks at Hand

Yesterday I went for lunch with my writer friend who was once my student.  It seemed like quite an effort to get to our lunch date:  there was traffic and an accident and then construction and then more traffic.  But it was worth it to catch up.

Part of me mourns our lunches of the past, which felt more long and lingering.  But those days are not these days, and I'm trying to be grateful for any moments of connection, even if they're not the ideal. 

As I was driving back to school, I thought of the readings that we used to do.  With a book coming out in late June, I should start thinking about readings and other events for late summer and fall.  Let me capture some ideas.

My sociologist writer friend has recently published a book on the sociology of creativity.  Could we somehow put together a night of readings that might feature her work too?  At some point (soon, Kristin, soon), I should look through my manuscript with an eye to that.

Likewise, I should read with an eye to the work of my friends.  My writer-former student friend has been working on a novel about Louisa May Alcott.  Maybe we could put together a set of readings that showcases history or real authors who have been fictionalized or characters who are made real.  My Hindu writer friend has been crafting amazing poems from fairy tales and short stories from Hindu gods and goddesses.

I also need to make up some fliers and postcards to take with me when I travel.  It will still be the pre-order time period.  I could also think about sending out an e-mail blast in the next week or two.

But for now, let me get ready for the day:  spin class and work and car maintenance and more work.  Hopefully my brain will still keep noodling on the book promotion possibilities, even as I do the work of the day job.

And for those of you who want to order the chapbook in this important pre-publication period, go here--and thank you for your support!

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