Saturday, April 9, 2016

Nourishment of All Sorts

Two weeks ago, I'd have been on the road for several hours--that's after staying after the Good Friday service to count money.  I slept for 4 hours, got up, and drove for just under 9 hours. 

Why didn't I have a more leisurely trip?  My friend who organizes the most wonderful tea parties had her Easter tea at 2, and I didn't want to miss it.  And yes, it was worth the drive.

The afternoon turned gray and drizzly, which was perfect for tea.  My friend's family members joined us, and they are gracious and inclusive.  We enjoyed goodies to eat and numerous pots of tea and interesting conversation--very nourishing.

One week ago, I'd have risen early to do some writing on the computer and to take advantage of zippier Wi-Fi.  I decided to skip the yoga/stretching session at 7:30, and to read before breakfast.  I went to the dining hall so that I could have some coffee while I read.  I watched the sun rise over the mountains while I read Jhumpa Lahiri's In Other Words.  That morning, too, was nourishing.

I have spent part of this week getting handouts ready for my next retreat, which will be two weeks from today.  I'm leading the Bible study on parables, and I'm leading a workshop on spiritual journaling.  These are things I've done before--an example of how past retreats continue to nourish me.

Along the way of the past two weeks, I've been nourished in the regular way too--lots of good meals.  I have returned from retreat week determined to eat more salad.  It's a good time of year to think about that.

There are many aspects of retreat week that have already begun to slip away.  On Tuesday, I was still in a good mental space.  By Wednesday, I was letting stuff get to me again and letting people's moods bleed into mine. 

But the idea of nourishment of all sorts--I'm hoping that's an idea that I can hang onto.

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