Thursday, May 12, 2016

Crabby Kris

My ongoing goal is to write 2 poems a week, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday--that way I have the week-end to catch up if I get behind. 

Knowing that I still have the week-end doesn't make me less crabby when I get to Thursday with no poems written.

Even though I wrote an interesting piece of fiction centered on the angel Gabriel and his crisis of faith, I still feel crabby about not writing my poems for the week.  Even though I've figured out how to end my story that begins with the woman watching Prince videos in her office, I'm still crabby about not writing my poems for the week.

Even though it's been a good week sketching, I'm crabby.

The crabbiness covers my fear that I'll never write another poem again.

But I'm really crabby because I have to go to the dentist today.  It's just a simple cleaning, but it fills me with crabbiness and dread.

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