Thursday, June 9, 2016

Two Weeks Post-Shred

I have just returned from a run to the beach and back.  When I use the word "run," I really mean a very slow jog that quickly becomes a fast-walk/shuffle if I don't stay alert. 

It was very cloudy, so no beautiful sunrise--but still, it was lovely to see the sea and sand.  When I came back, I swam for 15 minutes in the pool, which was also wonderful.

I had been awake for a few hours before I left, so I had some coffee.  I made a cup of coffee the way I used to like it:  with 1 C. of milk, 1 C. of coffee, 1 T. cocoa, and 1 tsp sugar.  I no longer like my coffee that way--I drank half of it and thought, this is really not worth the calories (the whole mug would have been roughly 120 calories), so I threw it out.  I'm not sure I really like it black either, but my tastes are coming around.

It has been 2 weeks since my 10 day shred ended--although I kept it going for another day and a half.  It's interesting to see what changes have stayed.

Some of them may not be permanent--I'm continuing to drink protein shakes because I want to use up the protein powder.  When I'm done with the protein powder, I'll likely go back to yogurt with berries and oats for breakfast.

Some changes may stick:  we're using a lot less milk, and that's good. 

Some changes come and go:  I'm exercising more, but this change seems to be cyclical, in part having to do with schedules and in part having to do with the weather.

On the last day of the shred, I went back to MyFitness Pal, which has been pivotal for me.  If I hadn't done that, I'd have probably regained all my weight right back.  Instead, the calorie counting has kept me on track.  For example, one Saturday I had eaten all my calories by 3 in the afternoon; I decided to go for a walk to earn some additional calories.

I'm looking forward to a summer of wellness--I'm glad I had that shred to give me a boost at the beginning!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kristin, please email me your shed diet of sorts please.
    Thank you!
