Saturday, July 16, 2016

Saturday Snapshots

As has been the case much of the past 2 weeks, I don't have much time to write.  Soon I'll be off to a quilt group meeting, and before that, I expect the tree guys to arrive--time to trim the gumbo limbo trees before the first storm of the season, should it come. 

So let me capture some memories from the past week:

--Will I remember this week because of Vacation Bible School?  I love the memory of a little girl playing with colored vinegar and baking soda and saying, "This is the best night of my whole life!"  Will I remember small children asking me with seriousness as they asked, "What happened to your nose?"  I hope I will remember the wonderful feeling of all of us pulling together to create a great week for kids, many of them underprivileged.

--Will I remember this week as the one where I got the first skin cancer removed from my face? 
My "surgery" was much like the removal for the biopsy.  The injection of novacaine was the worst part.  There were 3 scrapings and 3 cauterizings.  The wound doesn't look any worse than the biopsy, so I'm thinking there will be little scarring.
I was there less than 7 minutes--the set up took longer than the actual procedure.  Yes, I realize how lucky I am.
I will also remember the wonderful nap I took when I got back from the short appointment
--Will I remember this as the week I wrenched my back?  On Tuesday morning as I drove to work, I reached across the car seat without a twist or anything that would be seen as risky.  I had pain that 12 ibuprofen within the space of 4 hours didn't really touch--Tuesday was a difficult day at work.  Tuesday evening at VBS, I wondered how I would get through the week.  But although I've had pain in varying places and degrees since Tuesday, it hasn't been as severe.  Still, it was one of the first spin classes I've experienced where I just couldn't do some of it--too much pain.
--I hope I remember that it was the first week of classes, and all went smoothly.  The only glitch was an attendance reporting glitch that I anticipated, with a new faculty member who is at one of our sister schools that uses a different reporting system.  But since I anticipated it, I had him send me the list of students who were absent, so we could fix his attendance, a vital issue during week 1.
--I have hired 6 new faculty, and the first week went well.  Let me repeat that.  It may seem a small thing, but it has taken much effort on my part, and even more on theirs.  Hurrah!
--Although I haven't written much, my writer brain has been at work--I have several short stories ready to be written.
Here's hoping that this week is the one where I get that chance.

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