Sunday, August 28, 2016

Nourishing Saturday

Yesterday was nourishing in all sorts of ways.  My spouse went off on a motorcycle ride while I went to spin class.  I wasn't sure when he'd be home, but when I returned, I was determined to put the time to good use.  So, instead of my usual Internet noodling, I opened up the short story that I've been working on.

There were times during the next 2-3 hours when I thought, that's enough--let's save some for tomorrow.  Then my stern voice said, "No, you've done that quite enough.  Keep going."  And I did--for a long chunk of time, broken up with 5-10 minutes here and there of Internet noodling.  Then my stern voice ordered me back.

I got to a point where I wasn't sure where to go next to finish.  And so I stopped to go to the grocery store to get the ingredients for the Chicken Mole Poblano recipe that I wanted to try.  I couldn't find the dried ancho chiles, but since I knew they were poblanos, I got those instead.  And then, with an early afternoon of good writing behind me, I enjoyed a late afternoon of cooking something new--and tasty!

In my quest to look up some details, I went back through blog postings from June--I've been thinking about this story and working it out in my head since then; have I also been writing it since then? 

I went back to check--no, I've only been working it out on paper since July 30.  I should finish this week.

On my way to the grocery store, I thought, if I just wrote a paragraph a day, I'd have been a lot further along, instead of waiting for days when I have time to do more.  I also need to get back to poetry writing. 

But let me not get into a downward spiral--I've done a lot, in spite of the disruptions.  It's been a topsy turvy August, but I'm ready to get back on track.  And I should be able to do so.

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