Sunday, November 20, 2016

Creative Possibilities Ahead!

Today, I'm thinking of the coming days and the opportunities for creativity that they offer.  Many of us will gather with younger generations.  How can we encourage creativity in them? 

I remember one year, my mom traced her hands and made a family of turkeys with all the little ones that were gathered for Thanksgiving:

They labeled them to represent all of the family members present.  What a great way to talk about family.

I also like the people who show us the decorating potential of these harvest days:

But even a simple arrangement of seasonal squash can become a beautiful decoration:

Of course, there's the time-honored Thanksgiving tradition of cooking as creative opportunity.  In my family, we often save that activity for Friday; here we are, in an ill-fated attempt to make gingerbread houses (they kept collapsing):

It's hard for me to do traditional quilting in a short time frame.  But there are other ways to play with fabric, ways that may interest the little ones:

Maybe this will be the year for a different creative pursuit; how about a tea party?

There are so many ways to foster creativity, but here's one of my favorites.  We read, and then we create books of our own.  Fun!

In whatever ways you celebrate, I wish you some infusions of creativity to make them even richer!

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