Friday, December 23, 2016

Resisting Grumpiness

Today I have the day off, but it has not started auspiciously.  I was reaching for the coffee grinder, and the cord knocked over an empty water bottle, which knocked over a smaller bottle, which had soapy water in it because of a disgusting mold culture it had been incubating.  That water bottle, with soapy water, has sat peacefully, uncapped, on the counter for over a week, waiting for someone to decide what to do next (soak in bleach?  scrub?  rinse and keep using?  Not my water bottle, not my decision).

So, of course the water ran across the counter, to the edge, which has no seal because this kitchen was designed to be a temporary stopgap kitchen when we moved in during the summer of 2016.  In short, no way to clean up the water or even to know how much might have run down between the dishwasher (which isn't connected because the kitchen is temporary) and the tall cabinet to pool on the floor.  Grr.

And then, on top of it all, the coffee grinder isn't working.  I suspect I have the top on wrong, but I can't read the tiny print that's on the machine to be sure.  Luckily I had some already ground coffee left.  And the cord is so short that the machine is hardly usable.  Who designs these products?

O.K. time for a reboot.  I have very few days off, and I don't want to lose one to grumpiness.  Soon I will leave for spin class and then I'll run some errands that are also on that side of town:  Trader Joe's and Total Wine.  Then I'll enjoy a day at home, with some cooking, some organizing, and lots of relaxing.  Maybe some reading, maybe some writing--yes, it will be a good day!

Maybe in the evening, we'll take a walk through the Christmas lights.  All too soon they will be gone.

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